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Introduction Localisation is something that people often don’t think about until the end of their project, which is why the UE4 localisation system aims to stay out of your way as much as possible. Basically, you’ll be fine as long as you use FText and its associated functions for your user-facing text (with some caveats about text formatting and shipping with the correct internationalisation support - both of which were covered in the previous post).
Back to Localisation Overview.
Introduction Localisation and Internationalisation (L10N and I18N) are two concepts that often get lumped together as simply “localisation” (and even I’m guilty of that), but they are in fact two distinct things, and UE4 handles them in different ways.
The localisation system is UE4 is all home grown and centered around our ‘text’ type, whereas our internationalisation support makes use of the International Components for Unicode (ICU) library.
Preface The last time I really updated this blog was when I was between jobs, having just been made redundant due to the closure of Blitz, and still having a few weeks before I started my new job at Pitbull as a contractor working on the Unreal Engine. The job at Pitbull eventually became a job at Epic, when Epic bought Pitbull and recreated the company as Epic Games UK.